Thursday, 9 December 2010


I haven't posted in a while because we have been very busy and due to the snow we missed out on lessons. This month we braved the cold and took on the sea for a bit of filming, but we didn't get too much footage. We have uploaded it all onto the computer and hard drive in order to start editing asap, you can see a few of the photos we took on our flickr page (here).

[edit 16.12.2010]
Here is a clip showing some of the footage we filmed, which has been slightly edited...

You can see the post i wrote on our main blog about this clip [here]
In today’s lesson we came up with a list of Movie name ideas:
- Downfall
- Manic Water
- Shallow Water
- Red Tide
- Black Tide
- Murky Water
We then passed this list round the room on a tally chart for people to vote on their favourite, to see which titles would be most popular. This worked well because the people in our class are the same age as our target audience (teenagers and young adults) and therefore we got a clear representative of what our chosen audience like.
The title which came up most popular was 'Shallow Water'.
The feedback we got said:
"It's simple and intriguing name with a catchy ring to it."
"It tells the audience it's a water related film - something everyone is familiar with and therefore becomes a lot more scary"
"The idea of shallow water is creepy and gives a sense that someone/thing may be lurking in it"

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Last week Colleen met with our friend Poppy - who we think will play the part of the main character! They went through some outfit ideas as well as make up. We want her to look quite dark and scary but not overly made up as she needs to look real and believable. I have uploaded the photos to our flickr account which you can see here

Thursday, 11 November 2010


We have finally come up with our storyline idea, with the help of our Facebook survey. We have chosen to keep it very similar to number four;
Jane' is washed up onto a beach, no idea who she is, and know idea how she got there. deranged and crazy she sets out to find who did this to her, killing whoever gets in her way.
Although this is a very simple storyline, we are going to include a twist towards the end of our trailer to keep the audience intrigued and interested. 

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Facebook Feedback

This week me and Colleen posted 4 storyline ideas on a Facebook note so that we could get some feedback from our target audience on what storyline they liked.
See Below:

We thought Facebook was a good place to get opinions as the majority of people on their are students around our age range. This is who we want our film to appeal to and thought they would give us an honest opinion.
The majority of feedback we got was positive, we found that they mostly liked number 1 & 4.

"I like the first one the best :) but you could do it a bit like paranormal activity - ish, like instead of her actually coming back, bad things could happen to the student, or the student could unwillingly do bad things to other people, like her friends. Or number 2, instead of the dead person coming back, someone else who knew the girl could do the killing it'd make the film more realistic."

"I like number four the best, looks intriguing :)"

"I think number four is the best because its an original and unique idea. Im excited to see the story unfold and the synopsis makes me want to see more"

"Number 2"

Thursday, 21 October 2010


Today we sorted out all our filming which we did a few weeks ago - testing shots and location ideas. We then decided to try some simple editing techniques just to get a feel for imovie. We put a few different clips together, as well as using a sound bridge and cross dissolve. These are all very basic and the outcome isn't brilliant, but it's our first go!

We have created a YouTube channel which you can find at

Thursday, 14 October 2010

I love colleen...

although she lost our film. We have called in the technician to try and save it, fingers crossed.

Fixeeeed, but with no sounds

October 7th

This week we had a lesson off, so we decided to go filming!
We headed down to Southsea and Old Portsmouth to get some shots and filming for location ideas. We think we have chosen this as our main location because our trailer is going to be set by the beach and there are creepy, old, dark buildings around there. There was also a small abandoned pier which looked good when we photographed and had easy access

We have created a Flickr account where we will upload all our photos and keep a record of progress:

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Film Poster Analysis

As part of mine and Colleens divided tasks, I have analysed 3 film posters and she has analysed 3 film trailers. You can see the work she has posted at her blog

Preliminary Questions

In order to create our teaser trailer production piece, background research is a must. This includes looking at other trailers and media products within our genre: Horror/Thriller

A trailer is a preview of an upcoming feature film which will be shown in the cinema in the near future. Trailers can be seen in a multiplicity of formats.
- Cinema: This is where most people would view film trailers, especially older viewers as they aren't as tech savvy as the youthful 'youtube' generation. When viewing films you are shown trailers of a similar genre, therefore targeting the right target audience, creating more hype and awareness. Also many films are viewed as better on the 'big' screen, giving it a bigger more exciting preview than just watching it at home.
- Youtube: Ideally aimed at the younger audience, Youtube and other websites are easily accessible to young people as well as being free. This therefore potentially enlarges the target audience and is easy to be done by the film companies, quickly and cheaply.
- DVD: This is a less mainstream way of viewing trailers, but similar to the cinema in the way that when watching a DVD you will see trailers within the same genre of your chosen film. The producers know that the viewer is more likely to be interested in the new film, if they have enjoyed a similar one.
- TV Adverts: Most people watch TV therefore trailers shown during adverts are broadly viewed. Different trailers are shown at different times, to target a specific audience e.g cartoons and films for kids are shown during childrens programs and throughout the day whereas scarier, more adult films are shown after the watershed.
- Social Networking: Sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc are great places to view trailers, especially the younger audience where 93% of teenagers use online social sites. A trailer can be watched online and then sent out to all the viewers friends giving it huge popularity and lots of hits.
Genre Conventions: ""specific settings, roles, events, and values that define individual genres and their subgenres." These conventions, always fluid, are usually implicit, but sometimes are made into explicit requirements by publishers of fiction as a guide to authors seeking publication." - Sourced from Wikipedia

Thursday, 23 September 2010

First Lesson Back...

Today was our first lesson of the A2 year and me and colleen have both decided to make our own blogs, alongside out joint account. You can see our joint blog here at: