Thursday, 9 December 2010


I haven't posted in a while because we have been very busy and due to the snow we missed out on lessons. This month we braved the cold and took on the sea for a bit of filming, but we didn't get too much footage. We have uploaded it all onto the computer and hard drive in order to start editing asap, you can see a few of the photos we took on our flickr page (here).

[edit 16.12.2010]
Here is a clip showing some of the footage we filmed, which has been slightly edited...

You can see the post i wrote on our main blog about this clip [here]
In today’s lesson we came up with a list of Movie name ideas:
- Downfall
- Manic Water
- Shallow Water
- Red Tide
- Black Tide
- Murky Water
We then passed this list round the room on a tally chart for people to vote on their favourite, to see which titles would be most popular. This worked well because the people in our class are the same age as our target audience (teenagers and young adults) and therefore we got a clear representative of what our chosen audience like.
The title which came up most popular was 'Shallow Water'.
The feedback we got said:
"It's simple and intriguing name with a catchy ring to it."
"It tells the audience it's a water related film - something everyone is familiar with and therefore becomes a lot more scary"
"The idea of shallow water is creepy and gives a sense that someone/thing may be lurking in it"